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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Cheerfulness, healthy living

  Cheerfulness is very important for healthy living ,prevents us from falling into any depths of sorrow.Keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind,and fills it a sort of steady and permanent serenity.Cheerfulness nice facial expression of joy,which draw a fixed and permanent mimicry.
         Turn to nature when you`re tired.The beauty of World of Nature upload new energy,console,so take a walk.There are no two of same day,so also we need patience and sometime the solution come alone,and sometime is very easy ,but is just an  imaginary inertia .

Look in the mirror and smile to yourself. Don`t let yourself for bad mood.
Healthy living need serenity and cheerfulness.
        Sometime ,also proverb can give advice ;
- A friend in need is a friend indeed.
-Handsome is that handsome does.
-First come,first served.
-A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow.
-Evil communications corrupt good manners.
-You can`t eat your cake and have it.
-All`s well that ends well
-A constant guest is never welcome...
    Best to solve any problem quickly and not to postpone.
Should not hesitate,discomfort leading to negative thinking.

 Negative thinking causes damage to the body and soul,weaken the resistance to disease,so healthy living   need optimism.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Pamper yourself with quality cosmetics!

      Beginning with skin, is the outer shell of our body. It is a complex organ, have important life functions, make contact with surrounding environment and our inner state, for this reason from skin can see our health status.
       Skin types; normal [neutral] ,dry or fatty skin. Today`s quality cosmetics can cure skin problems easy. Very important to keep our skin clean and use of good appropriate cosmetics. Quality is the first priority. Very important to know about face, that our mimicry can change with state of mind. Important to be patient, because nervousness disrupts features, and also an appropriate eating, can help our body for regeneration. Basic skin care, to get rid of toxic material from skin glands a warm salt water bath and shower, or sauna.
       Eyes the "mirror “of the soul, so make our face nice . Can keep our good seeing if we sleep good,protecting from dust, wind and from strong light. For tired eyes is recommended eye exercises or to rest.
      For the eyelid and eyebrows makeup is recommended quality cosmetics.
      Cosmetic care of the nose belongs to face cosmetic.
      The nice lips,nice healthy teeth make our face attractive.Color and quality of lipsticks is very important.Appropriate eating,and washing our teeth,keep it healthy.Inner ears,ear shells and earlobe need keep it clean from dust and earwax.
      Healthy,clean hair is the diadem for women,and for this reason need more care.Problems of hair can be of healths origin,but with a good nutrition,and using appropriate quality hair care cosmetics,our hair be grateful.
      Don`t forget! For healthy women also, medical advice is welcome anytime.The doctor solve health-related problems.
      Face and neck care we make`it in same way,in same time . If we have dewlap,with diet,massage,gymnastics and changing in our wrong habit we can reduces the accumulated fat . For armpit very important after cleaning to use deodorant spray or powder of good quality . Hand care is very important,same as nails care.
      For any part of the body you can found to embellish or treatment,the appropriate recipe . Nice boobs make harmonious appearance and for this reason is very important to use proper bra. Gymnastics,massage and other care tips keep the extension has . Foot care includes hair removal . Hair removal it`s good to make before shower, on dry skin . Our soles and heels,too much used,tired, need special care.

        The internal organs is filled with toxic substances absorbed from the environment.
Biochemical byproducts,smog,cigarette smoke,harmful elements of drinking water,different tablet and so on.We can help our bodies ,simple with proven detoxification processes.
                   Colon detoxification 
Once a month for two days,drink 3 liters of yoghurt ,vegetables juice or fruit juice daily, and eat biscuits. Who has excess weight,you may want twice a month.   
Contraindicated for -diabetic,peptic ulcer,highly acidic stomach,nursing mothers.
                    Liver,gall bladder detoxification
The accumulated excess bile pollute our bodies.While it is there, is difficult to generate the liver cells new bile."Cleanse the liver, and purifies the soul" Physical stability leads to emotional balance.
 Weekly 1-2 time one tablespoons of Sorbitol (sorbitol=sugar without glucose) dissolve in decimal of hot water and drink it on an empty stomach and lie on your right side.Keep warm around the liver.One and half to two hours let us rest. Can feel weakness,dizziness but it is goes with.Getting into the digestive tract, sorbitol in duodenum absorb the accumulated stagnant bile and removed from the body.If rash appears it is a good sign.To be continued.
Contraindicated for:high fever,liver cirrhosis,gallstones cases. Indicated three times yearly 8-10 handling with.        Other cell detoxification by starvation,but exaggeration is not recommended.
                  Kidney detoxification
Different crystals are formed in the kidney.If kidneys can not removed quickly enough,leads to sand and stone formation,and this can not clean it.
In summer for kidney relaying the best is watermelon.Daily from 5 to 7 good to eat melons,after you may want sitting bath with hot water.Watermelon excellent diuretics and the hot water was not only leads to urinary dilators,but help the kidney sand and small stones removal.
                   Lung detoxification
      Sitting back straight,exhales ,after absorbs air into the lungs,keep the air supply as long as you want it,than slow expiratory possible.Sit for 1-2 min.Dizziness possible but it goes with.Repeat 3-4 times a day the procedure.The balloon blowing is also a good method.
                    Joints detoxification
5gm laurel leaf, and 3dl of water, cook for 5 min. Poured into a thermos and three days sip consume.You may want to eat a lot of vegetables, and very little meet.A week later can repeat.
                     The vascular system clear up
You may want for whose calcified plaque or fatty deposits on the arterial wall,cause heartache,high blood pressure,insufficiency of cerebral blood.
With temperate consumption,chocolate,red wine,garlic,oily seeds.
Heart saver;,grapefruit,onions ,radishes,beets,raw green vegetables,tomatoes, apples,carrots,veggie,beets,dill,parsley,red cabbage,green celery, lettuce. Recommended consumed raw.

Healthy women

       Everybody admire an exclusive, powerful and highly influential middle class healthy woman. Everybody wanting to feel better in their bodies, love themselves for who they are and want to live a fulfilled life, like to be a great healthy women. 
If you don`t know how to start a new life after you got lost on your own way, and found yourself tired and disappointed…
Face yourself in the mirror.
 You have to learn diligence for healthy living!!!

    How to be diligent women?  
“When you are going to start a work, it`s like what you had done half already.
And a half-done work is like the finished work"
     The changes need also patience and endurance. First of all face yourself, and decide what you want to change. Step by step.
It is important to get closer and closer each day to the required results. Be patient!
     As simple as possible you can start to make a new look, this will change your being.  
For everybody a changing for a good looking, help changing for a positive thinking, for a good being. Don`t hesitate, face yourself in the mirror every day and urge to do for yourself more each day than the day before. Be diligent! Change your lifestyle! Wake up to a new day which is on the verge of innovate was.
No matter who you are, where you live, what your work, you have your own personality what need strengthen .Believe in yourself! Your patience and diligence can make wonders.