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Friday, April 19, 2013

Positive thinking is healthy thinking

Personality is a total picture of patterns of behavior and include thoughts,feelings,and motives that cannot be observed.
Some behaviors and feelings are repeated frequently,while others occur only rarely.
As you face new stresses and demands,you must make adjustments,this constantly changing your self-concept and personality.
You can maintain healthy personality in case of the absence of mental illness or adjustment problems,if you think positively,you are patient with yourself,avoid feeling sorry for yourself,you appreciate good, one must also know bad.

Stressful experiences can weaken our immune system.We must find a way to handle the stress.
Undue stress on the immune system,one line of defense against disease.

After a period of being under pressure,you become ill.You are more likely to catch a cold when you are "stressed out".
Positive thinking is healthy thinking.
The term "thinking"is wery broad and complex.
Thinking the basis of problem solving.
Some kind of thinking we youse many times every day,ex logical thinking.
Most decisions require logical thought.Assuming that your premises are true,if you follow a logical thought sequence,you will reach a valid conclusion.
Altought logical thinking can be an important aspect of problem solving.The predicate thinking is a non logical thinking.
The magical thinking requires crapping your logical thought and focusing on your gut-level reactions.The result is irrational behavior.
The critical thinking evaluate the statement,and make judgments,based on reason.
The creative thinking.We can learn creative thinking.
Creativity as an ability to see things in a new and unusual way and to come up with unique solutions to problems.Creativity is the opposite of mental set.
Creative thinking lends excitment also,and helps find new solutions to old problems.
Do your best for healthy thinking.Relax,comfort always,also meditation is giving an internal feeling of freedom.

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