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Friday, March 29, 2013

Indispensability of minerals and trace elements

The minerals and trace elements that are essential for the body. The more we know about the importance of vitamins, but how much influence the absorption
of vitamins, minerals, adequate intake, less is known about. Since the body cannot only produce minerals, 
dietary foods, and dietary supplements we can enter the body. 
Without them, dysfunction, disease develops. 



The iron can be found in the blood pigment material, which is a component of red blood cells.Vital and thus adequate supply of oxygen to the body. 
The iron can be found in deep  green color 
vegetables,ex.spinach, but the animal protein-bound iron, more easily absorbed.
Iron found in animal liver, meat and offal.Iron deficiency fatigue, loss of working capacity, infertility. 
The blood can not carry enough oxygen so pallor indicates iron deficiency. 
Iron overdose reduced resistance to infection, of pathogenic bacteria growth, and the risk of malignancy
The proper physical and mental development, the preservation of health, prevention of diseases in terms of eating.The imbalance may result in severe health problems arise. 


Calcium is an important building material for bones, role in blood clotting and reduces allergic symptoms. 
The calcium and magnesium in the muscles responsible for the transmission of stimuli
Inadequate intake, muscle cramps, weak bones, poor teeth, arrhythmias, osteoporosis may result. 
Calcium-containing foods, dairy products, nuts, stb. 
Calcium deficiency, may be replaced by an artificial product. 


The potassium in the body is located in the cells.Whereas plant foods as potassium and sodium ideal prevalent, so better make up plant food. 
Potassium deficiency symptoms of muscle weakness and confusion intestinal function. 
The potassium increase, that excessive dosage to intracardiac conduction disturbances, cardiac arrest may occur.



MAGNESIUM  protective of the nervous system. Necessary for for energy production in the muscles and the nervous system,functioning of enzymes, teeth, bones construction.
 A stressful lifestyle, physically demanding work requires adequate magnesium supplementation. 
Magnesium-containing foods, seaweed, wheat germ, wheat bran, almonds, soy, legumes,dark green leafy vegetables, etc.
 Magnesium deficiency, can cause of gastrointestinal diseases, metabolic pathway disease, of metabolic disorders, and renal function disturbances.


The sodium rebalance the hydration, muscle function helps to maintain acid-base balance and helps the metabolism. 
The spaces in the body of water, bones, connective tissues located. 
The sodium can be found in all food products and food industry marketed salt form.
 Excessive consumption of high blood pressure, circulatory problems, heart disease can cause.In case of deficiency, which is rare, weakness, apathy, nausea, dizziness, low blood pressure occurs.


The phosphorus with calcium strengthens bones and teeth. 
 In organism can be found in the bones, teeth, blood, internal organs, muscles. Involved in variety biological processes.
The phosphorus in metabolism releases energy, required for muscle contraction,neurotransmission.
 Phosphorus containing foods, meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, cereals something wide variety of products.Toxic overdose symptoms occur. 
The lack of phosphorus, growth deceleration, bone and dentition insufficiency, rickets, may cause. All age weight loss, fatigue, muscle weakness occurs.

The chlorin digestion facilitator. 
As part of the gastric acid is present in the body. 
The salt and water transport in the maintenance of acid-base balance is important. 
Necessary for the production of hydrochloric acid and vitamin B12 processing.Entering the body in the form of a salt. 

The chlorinated tap water, salted food substitute, so deficiency is achieved, not an overdose is common.

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